Thursday, May 23, 2013

HoneyBliss Ruffles Tutorial! So here is my first tutorial video on how I make ruffles. Steps 1) Cut out a rectangular strip of fabric making sure that it is double or triple the length you actually need. For example, if you wanted a little ruffle around the wrist...the needed length may be 5" but for a ruffle you should cut out about 15" for tight ruffles or 10" for a softer ruffly effect. 2) If you decide to fold the fabric in half like me make sure you cut the width out accordingly..if not just finish the raw edges. 3) On your machine stitch 2 rows using a long stitch length that 's used for basting. Make sure the two lines do not touch eachother. NOTE: Do not "backstitch" or "reverse stitch" as this will not allow you to do the next step. 4) Pull only 2 of the the loose threads on top of the fabric while pulling the fabric in the other direction. You should see the the fabric starting the squish together. This is called gathering. Continue moving the gathers throughout the fabric until the rectangular strip has turned into ruffles. Et voila! Hope this helps:) Thanks for watching:) Please comment, rate and subscribe!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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