Monday, July 8, 2013

Baby Bubz Returns!

Hey homies! So many of you guys have been asking where Baby Bubz is. Well she has been busy with kinderkarten. So this is just a quickie update video on her. This is just something extra & random so it's not HAHA-Hilarious but maybe more of 'ohh ha...ha...ha...' and 'Baby Bubz is really stupid huh?' Altho I have to say A LOT of the scenarios in this video are based on real life. I was a gullable kid and was dumb enough to look up my sister's butt thinking she really had a problem. I also cried over everything as a child and had a nickname of 'Ham Bao' because I used to cry everyday. Yes, my hilarious mother actually used to make my sibblings & I stick our fingers at drivers that pissed her off LOL (One time it was actually my head of year teacher that we stuck our fingers at -_-) Back then- I thought my childhood sucked but thinking back? It was the best. Oh this is the last poor quality video you're prolly gonna witness on Bubbiosity Channel sniff sniff.. Will be using my HD camcorder on Bubbiosity videos (like I do on my Bubzbeauty videos). ^__^ So what were you guys like at school? I love hearing about childhood stories because they are so hilarious. Were you gullable & timid like Baby Bubz or were you more like Big Sister Bubz? Let me know. Hope you guys have been well. I'm returning back to Northern Ireland in a week so hopefully more footage of Leon/Ricky for you girls!! ^_^ Thank you for providing the following jingles: In soft clouds (a) by G ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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