This is just a quick video about my ongoing adventure with my family being prepared in the home in case of an emergency. I do go over a couple of times that you don't have to buy all of your things at you'll see, a few things extra when you're at the store can go a LOOOONG way. This particular video is really just about food, but the same concept (as I talk about as well in the vid) can be brought into pretty much anything. Electricity (generator or what have you), first aid, ammunition, firearms, clothing.... you get the picture I'm sure. A LOT of people I know fall into the category of "I don't have time or money to go out and buy all this stuff in case something happens" or "Crap! the power's been out for a week...what do we do?" Yeah...get a LITTLE bit here and there and it pays off BIG later! If that firearm or generator you want to get is really REALLY expensive in your eyes, yet you really think it's something you need or want.... SAVE UP for it and get it when you have the chance. I know this sounds a bit silly or even TOO SIMPLE, but get a piggy bank, or make a stash somewhere and tell yourself that THIS money is for WHATEVER and you CAN'T SPEND IT! SAVE IT! You'll be surprised on how much your money adds up when you just keep dumping "extra" money that you had in your wallet into your "savings". That's EXACTLY how I bought my Glock 23! And it felt GREAT when I went to my local FFL and dropped down that wad of CASH. "Cash or credit?" "CASH BABY! BAM ...
Artist:Gwen Stefani Track:Harajuku Girls Album:LAMB (Love.Angel.Music.Baby)
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